Sure that every man's a mortal- Every man's a mortal Should be feeling safe and sound But I am nearly thirteen feet below the ground Listening to my cardiac murmur Sirens in my head - then silence of the heart Where was in '69 and where will I be in 2055? I got the Catalepsia, I got a Catalepsia, I got the Catalepsia, My round-about I got the Catalepsia, I got a Catalepsia, I got the Catalepsia, It's a round oath I am drowning in the wild waves- They all are white graves I can't feel the sand no more Soon I will be rocking on the ocean floor Deadly traffic accident- My seat and soul crushed at the impact of the car Evil growing about syncope And all do is hoping that my heart can cope I got the Catalepsia, I got a Catalepsia, I got the Catalepsia, My round-about I got the Catalepsia, I got a Catalepsia, I got the Catalepsia, It's a round oath For some folks it's Karma, mama But they never live to tell I think I know split-second-pain too well I got the Catalepsia, I got a Catalepsia, I got the Catalepsia, My round-about I got the Catalepsia, I got a Catalepsia, I got the Catalepsia, It's a round oath I got the Catalepsia, I got a Catalepsia, I got the Catalepsia, My round-about I got the Catalepsia, I got a Catalepsia, I got the Catalepsia, It's a round oath