Vale of Tears

Another Level Of Existence

Vale of Tears

Welcome to the realm of existence 
Where morality escapes from dreams, 
Welcome to the realm of suppression 
The concept-built world is a dungeon here. 

Welcome to the world of overcoming 
Where the real world is upset, 
Welcome to the empire of no aim 
Where the beginning and the end are origin and purpose. 

Welcome to the realm of existence 
Where inconceivable might is unravelled, 
Welcome to the realm of resistance 
Where there is no chance for escape 

Truth finds another level for itself where it makes its impact known. 
Nothing is impossible, nothing matters here. 

Another level of existence 
The ecstasy of life is resistance, 
Every appearance of life 
Rivals the vital colourfulness. 

Welcome to the realm of existence 
Where inconceivable might is unravelled, 
Welcome to the realm of resistance 
Where there is no chance for escape 

Truth finds another level for itself where it makes its impact known. 
Nothing is impossible, nothing matters here. 

Another level of existence 
The ecstasy of life is resistance, 
Every appearance of life 
Rivals the vital colourfulness, 
It shows its face to us, 
Because useless is our trust.. 
Final and single aspect it gives 
To a sightless, passing eternity