Tom: A A You didn't like my decision / to make the hero a villain. F#M E Said my stories all end bad. / they always make you feel so sad. A You answered rather casually. / you just record reality. F#M E You made it sound as though, / you'd given up so long ago. A Then find me a better ending. / stay away from fact amending. F#M E It s easy to blur and twist. / just tell it like it really is. A What's wrong with a little fantasy? / to show the way things ought to be. F#M E Why should i comply / to the silly limits of real life? A Come on . . . Convince me F#m I said . . . Come on …Convince me D F#M Bm E F#m If you really do believe these ridiculous things E A Come on convince me A How bout a girl with giant wings, / flies away when life really stings? F#m E Has a plain & modest body, / and a black belt in karate? A There you go escaping. / i'm tired of all this reshaping. F#M E Got anything from life? / anything that made you cry? A The day i dwell on failure / is the day that i surrender. F#m E Yes, i've had my times. / but i never let it break my stride. A If you never stop to wonder / about the times your life went under F#m E How can you anticipate / when you're about to make the same mistakes? A Come on . . . Convince me F#m If you think i'm wrong . . . Convince me D F#m Bm E F#m If you really do believe these ridiculous things E A Come on convince me A How bout a girl who's trying / to make a boy see the silver lining? F#m E Tells him now to shut his eyes. / and let her tell him crazy lies? A If you're the girl who's singing / i'm the boy who's listening. F#m E But if you want to end it happily, / you're gonna have to really . . . A Convince me