Mist embrace marble, step timidly Evening shed, bled through fissured glass Sapless leaves caress her marble sheet Church bells, far-flung, ring Within this coffin, she lays her head A waning, ambered silhouette Breathe whispers, my words trembling Dust motes clutched in suspension Remove her finery, bloodless skin On her knees, in a posture of prayer My breath flew, thrust-through, barbed thorns Church bells, far-flung, ring Collapsed on her back, once pinned in the dirt Buggered whore, stare under her skirt Tongue upon thigh, lick careless lust My breath makes a path through the dust Her habit hiked up, black, rotten and tattered Flung over her head, fingers seize upon her neck Foreplay embark, tongue pushing past Whisper a path through her dust Hushed lips I kissed, an open wound Whilst teardrops cleave the worm's acre God's faithful laid bare to lust My breath makes a path through the dust