Pest ban Unremembered, unlamented, you skulk and crave only pity. Why should we retch on empty words? And stomach your deluded home-grown monomania, When the trail of your failure wends its fetid stench back to you. The masses like locusts culled. This depression, your self-made, self-sent designer plague. Enact the pest ban, when fruitless life bloats unreplete. Enforce the pest ban, cleanse humankind's stables of pointless meat. Your witless self-indulgence will end as it began. With the realisation, that existence terminated is your only lot. Slave to one and all. A respiring machine. Expendable, used then left. A gangrenous will, starved of purpose. End a squandered life! Your birthright expired. Surrender your place up to higher worth. No last reprieve, be gone, be dead, be dirt.