
Something's Coming


Could be!
Who knows? 
There's something due any day;
I will know right away
Soon as it shows.
It may come cannonballin' down through the sky,
Gleam in it's eye,
Bright as a rose!
Who knows? 
It's only just out of reach,
Down the block, on a beach,
Under a tree.
I got a feeling there's a miracle due,
Gonna come true,
Coming to me!

Could it be? yes it could.
Something's coming, something good,
If I can wait!
Something's coming, I don't know what it is
But it is
Gonna be great!

With a click, with a shock,
Phone'll jingle, door'll knock,
Open the latch!
Something's coming, don't know when, but it's soon -
Catch the moon,
One-handed catch!

Around the corner,
Or whistling down the river,
Come on - deliver
To me!

Will it be? yes it will.
Maybe just by holding still
It'll be there!
Come on something, come on in, don't be shy,
Meet a guy,
Pull up a chair!

The air is humming,
And something great is coming!
Who knows? 
It's only just out of reach,
Down the block, on a beach,
Maybe tonight...