For the society I'm a lunatic. A manwho live in a state of confusion, A man who choose to close is mind To our so-called '' real world''. The government call me a failure! A torn in the feet, Of the those who participate, To the great march for a brand new world! The church call me a sinner! Because I choose to turn my back to God. A sinner because I cultivate the hate of mediocrity A man of flesh, a man of desire! I'm the sinner! Made of ice, made of stone. I'm the sinner! Made of fire, made of wind A son of mother earth! I'm the sinner! Because I believe in strenght and wisdom. I'm the sinner! Because I hate and love. A son of the gods! Me, the failure, the sinner. I'm a fucking punch in your hypocrite face! Nothing will reach me, Because my choice is remorseless! My world is your Hell...