Tom: D D G Would you have freedom from Wage slavery, A D Then join in the grand Industrial band; G Would you from mis'ry and hunger be free, A D Then come, do your share, like a man. [Chorus] D G D There is power, there is power in a band of workingmen, A D When they stand hand in hand, G D That's a power, that's a power That must rule in every land— A D One Industrial Union Grand. [Verse 2] D G Would you have mansions of gold in the sky, A D and live in a shack, way in the back? G Would you have wings up in heaven to fly, A D And starve here with rags on your back? [Chorus] D G D There is power, there is power in a band of workingmen, A D When they stand hand in hand, G D That's a power, that's a power That must rule in every land— A D One Industrial Union Grand. [Verse 3] D G If you like sluggers to beat off your head, A D Then don't organize, all unions despise. G If you want nothing before you are dead, A D Shake hands with your boss and look Wise. [Chorus] D G D There is power, there is power in a band of workingmen, A D When they stand hand in hand, G D That's a power, that's a power That must rule in every land— A D One Industrial Union Grand. [Verse 4] D G Come, all ye workers, from every land, A D Come, join in the grand industrial band; G Then we our share of this earth shall demand. A D Come on! Do your share, like a man. [Chorus] D G D There is power, there is power in a band of workingmen, A D When they stand hand in hand, G D That's a power, that's a power That must rule in every land— A D One Industrial Union Grand.