Urge Overkill

Bottle Of Fur

Urge Overkill

Tom: G


Date:         Fri, 09 Feb 96 15:14:58 EST
From: "Peter R. Dean" 

As Promised, here it is from the rock garden that is "Saturation":

                        Bottle of Fur

                             You can't be too sure..
 D  Am  D  Am  D  Am  D  Am  D  Am  D  Am
|-----------------------------------------|           __Fill 1____
                                                     |            |
                   |---------------------------------|--5---5-3---|(play twice)
  _Fill 2_                                         |  ___Fill 3____           |
 |        |                                        | |             |          |
 |--------|                                        | |-6-----------|          |
 |--------|                                        | |-6---6-------|(for use  |
 |-10-9-7-|(Third time through play fill 3 over D) | |---8---8-6---|    later)|
 |-10-9-7-|                                        | |-----------8-|          |
 |--------|                                        | |-------------|          |
 |--------|                                        | |-------------|          |

 D                                  A#    A G# G (fill 1)
 Sail away on a crystal ship with a bottle
                    D                     C          G    G# A A# (fill3)
              Gonna say goodbye to all my friends on shore
 F                       F/E
 Maybe she's giving me a second chance
              D#               A#
              You can't be too sure


                 Dm Am A#                   F
 Like a bottle of fur, missing the smell of her (x2)
                       Dm Am           A# A G# G (fill 1)
              Bottle of fur, bottle of fur yeah

verse 2:
 (play intro line 3)

          D                                  A#   A G# G (fill 1)
 If I was a king and ya danced for me like a genie
                D                           C             G   G G# A A# C C# D
 Then you'd get back in your lamp leavin me here with the gold
 D                                                 A# A G# G (fill 1)
 Ooh bread of wickedness, both sides buttered with war
          D                                  C    G      G# A A# (fill 3)
 But your load ship brings it by to love and loss anymore  no more
                F(hold and sustain)
                Maybe she's giving me a second chance


     F C       F                 C            F C
         Maybe she's giving me a second chance


   You can't be too sure
     D# A#
   |-8--6-|(play through 15 times ending on A# and going into chorus 2)


                   Dm Am A#                   F
   Like a bottle of fur, missing the smell of her (x2)
                       Dm Am C                    F
              Bottle of fur, missing the smell of her
       C                    F
       Missing the smell of her


                  C                   F
    Like when I'd hold you in the night
                            C                       F
                            We used to make it till daylight


     Now I sleep alone
   |------------------|       Dm Am A# F until final chorus:
   |------------------|                Dm Am A# A G# G
