Urban Dance Squad

Tabloid Say

Urban Dance Squad

Finally the truth shone through 
It's all hell when the smell's on you 
Used to read all the papers 
Mags that caught the vapors 
Takin' a crap with the tab, ain't takin' no shit 
Who turns to be the vandal 
What's the drugscandal 
Shit worn out like a pair of hippiesandals 
Stuff got really trippy on me 
I blew the picture huge 
Like a skippy, and see 
It's all out-o'-proportions 
Their notion, presumption 
The speculation - causin' irritation like guitar distortion 
Yep, pencils get pushed, poison flows out 
Printing on paper, paper on the doormat 
Watch brothers scream out 
How to live with a big knife, avoid the daylight 
Hawk with bloodred eyes 
Through the night ? 

Finally the truth shone through 
It's all hell when the smell's on you 
Got to live a life through, hectic like a zoo 
Got to go for what you know, what would you do ? 
Avoid the paperstand and 
Cast glances elsewhere and 
On your feet when the heat is on withstand 
Be a man 
The titan with the item, hard to beat and fight 'em 
Some come to throw the odds against 
And simply duck-'n-slide them 
Got the thing right, professionalism opposite 
Heard the cynicism, watch how it get dropped kid ! 
Wreck with the data 
Flow like a feather 
Get yourself in check, expect heavy weather 
So finally the truth shone through 
Take the papers when I got to do 
A heavy poo-poo 
Ask myself what's new, ask myself what's new 
And flush the toilet through