Fed by haste and hate, desire Raising above the mind of the concerned Enormous growth Holding the ball with its huge pranks And won't let go Until, nobody knows Nobody knows Loads of green paper implying responsibility Responsibility misleading into distrust A person, a nation, a world Loads of green paper implying responsibility In a crisis World, oh world, oh world where have you gone Oh world, oh world where have you gone [x3] Try, to fear the monster with itself away Only destroying the symptoms Not digging under the surface |Not destroying the core Try, to fear the monster with itself away Only destroying the symptoms Not digging under the surface |Not destroying the core We are in a crisis Now we are at a point that we had already reached eighty years ago Promoting the career of a man in pact with the evil Hoping that it won't come so far We're trusting in the the responsibles again and again and again and again Again, we'll trust in them again, we'll trust in them again