I overthink, I overthink I overthink, I overthink I overthink I overthink, I overthink Way too much I overthink too much my therapist says it's my crutch I asked my mama what she thinks she said it could be clutch Then people won’t think that I’m useless, haven't lost my touch These little things that roam my mind I need to leave behind I think it’s time I leave them in the dark I need to move on before I over, over I overthink, I overthink I overthink, I overthink I overthink I overthink, I overthink Way too much (Way too much, yеa!) (Yea!) Sitting thinking in my corner Why did I becomе a loner? Overthinking every-time I always over-sympathize But really over criticize the people that I ostracize Gotta take a little chill pill So overtime I seize to feel ill Penny for my thoughts but I got too many thoughts So you better get a Dolla’, Mama next time I will holla! I think it’s time I leave them in the dark I need to move on before I over, over I overthink, I overthink I overthink, I overthink I overthink I overthink, I overthink Way too much (Way too much, yea!) I overthink I overthink way too much