Take it back How you want to take it all away We have no choice it's our territory Why should we trust them Why should we believe their lies They write the books and write the laws We vote their ways can't stop us now Are we proud of what we're today All the bullshit n all the lies When we have to step to the plate Will you represent U.S Mutha fuckas wanna be like me I am my own way If you really want me Come and find your way Mutha fuckas wanna be like me I am my own way They give me the skills Now watch the blood spill In the pit of the U.N.S.A. world Fuck Look at this world of shit And the way we live I'm not saying it's your fault But you're not fucking helping Mass hysteria leaves my mind in blur Give us back the peace give us back our life Everything seems to change when you have the pen Now I have the pen what should I say Should I say anything at all Ask your God and there's the answer Laying in the lions den You're full of lies Is my territory worth all this My angel of death taking all of it My mass hysteria My world Fuck Look at this world of shit And the way we live I'm not saying it's your fault But you're not fucking helping Mass hysteria leaves my mind in blur Give us back the peace Give us back our life If you don't like peace Then just kill us all With your war games Mass hysteria