On the edge of the beginning of the end The way is stained with the shed blood Where the future is wrapped in the hate's dark veil Where the dim flame of the existence fights not to go out We walk aimlessly as puppets Where the power fills our brains up with lies and promises We are used to create and to destroy To struggle and to give life Our destiny is handled by their whim They create hates which are destroyed later We are an elimination objective As soon as we raise our voice As soon we are against their guidelines As soon as we decide to think in a different way Let's fight to look for a light That will guides us over the understanding We must try to obtain routes to avoid The barriers of the human incomprehension Let's destroy the frontiers of hate Why eliminate ourselves across wars Not to cause pain, not to rouse hate Simply to be listened! Our destiny is handled by their whim They create hates which are destroyed later We are an elimination objective As soon as we raise our voice As soon we are against their guidelines As soon as we decide to think in a different way