Ckeck to all Kinds of Superstitous Delusions Unmemory Check to all kinds of superstitious delusion L:Scetic M:Unmeory Firsts Histories of all kind of nations always are marvelous and are never effects of natural causes. All miracle have the finality of establish the religion system that it refers The miracles of any religion are evidences which other are wrong and contradict miracles of others How proceed? We must consider the experience as the only trusty judge We must consider that the past will repeat in future As we believe that the sun will rise tomorrow cause we always saw it From regular experiences like this that man establish this naturals laws A Miracle are transgression of this laws by the wish of an invisible force The many instances of forged miracles ought reasonably to beget a suspicion against all relations of this kind We must weight contraries evidences Consider what side have more experiences to know the superior evidence The most common is the stronger A miracle event only can be found if its falsehood be more difficult to occurre than the fact that pretend propose fallacies!