I'm lying on the cold snowy ground. The picture of you, burned into my eyes. For my crimes, I must pay... And I will never forget that day. They would come, to put me away, And, I'm afraid, I could not stay. I took my leave, told you not to follow, My mind was set, yet my heart felt hollow. I'M FALLEN! They came for me on that dark night. But I was not there, to put up a fight. I left you, to take the blame, I'm a coward, and shall never be the same. They would come, to put me away, And, I'm afraid, I could not stay. I took my leave, told you not to follow, My mind was set, yet my heart felt hollow. They would come, to put me away, And, I'm afraid, I could not stay. I took my leave, told you not to follow, My mind was set, yet my heart felt hollow.