Unleashed Power

Gateway To Deadly Sins

Unleashed Power

I. Avarice
II. Pangs of Envy
III.Paroxysm of Wrath

AVARICE - Gateway Part I
Convinced in a creed
It's best to have more
The malicious greed
Lurks behind this door

Machining the greed
in material need

You materialistic fools
spinning voracious spools
Fill a void with empty toys
Heed upon the avid voice
Within your edacity
we find your voracity
For your tenuous soul
Not to fulfill the whole

Incongruous drive
In Covet and take
Leeringly derive
Avaricious rake

Machining the greed
in material need

PANGS OF ENVY - Gateway Part II
Hunting prey for selfish pleasure
No bounds of lust will measure

More than before
Less than ahead
A vacuum that roar
The task that misled

Suffer the pangs of envy
The curtain of jealousy
A net that you have made
In moments that quickly fade

The sin of the moment can't confine
An emptiness you can't define

The jaundiced eye
With selfishness
Love's joy you deny
With bitterness

In a copulate nature
The state of carnal feature
What you can't have you'll take
Becomes another mistake

With fury you thrust
and anger to combust
A heart filled with hate
lies beyond the gate

Angry and pained
Wrath, he's disdained

In your rampant
state of being
Through eyes of rage
repugnant feeling

Angry and pained
Wrath, he's disdained

In his bitter quests
He loathes and detests
In diffidence
In virulence
With asperity
and hostility

The ferocious scourge with caustic scorn
Apogee reached, enraged and torn

In his tenebrous misguided state
Permeate with darkness, thrust forth irate

The turpitude of compassion
Rancor permeates in wan fashion

To pour the vials of wrath of this age
The paroxysm of towering rage