Universal Hall Pass

The Skyclimbers

Universal Hall Pass

As we step out onto the golden road
We start the climb right now
Or we'll never ever know
What's on the other side
Experience aside
Dress in layers as it might be cold
The elevations to
Thin air will freeze the old
Breach in the line

All the sky climbers leap in good faith
Ignore the side-liners snap judgements in haste
There's so many ways to slide down
An object's in motion as long it cares
It's all right
We make mistakes along the way
We've had enough of loss and wandering
If you've had enough then climb with us
(So long we'll see ya!)

As we step out into a hope unknown
Just keep your lines locked down
And you'll skirt the undertow of what you leave behind
Experience applied
Dress in layers as it might be cold
The revelations from
Thin air will freeze the old
Breach in the lines

Only sky climbers leap in good faith
Ignore the side-liners snap judgements - erase
There's so many ways to slide down
So just stay in motion as long as you can
It's all right
You'll make mistakes along the way
We've had enough of loss and wandering

(So long we'll see ya!)
(So long we'll see ya!)
It's all right
We'll make mistakes along the way