Put on the full armor of God A woman of faith A woman of faith When I wake up every morning I start to think of how I'm blessed Another day alive, another day I'm breathing I'm covered by his loving grace In every situation, I kneel and pray and worship you In every situation, I lift my eyes to hold you I face my worries and my fears are gone I know that God is with me and I shall not fall If God is for me then who can be against me? I'm a child of God I'm a woman of faith, standing firm on solid ground I'm a woman of faith, a warrior of Christ I'm a woman of faith, standing firm on solid ground I'm a woman of faith, a warrior of Christ Many people will walk in and out your life But only true friends will remain God will never leave you nor he will forsake you If that is all you have, you have all that you need In every situation I kneel and pray and worship you In every situation I lift my eyes to holder you I face who were risen, my fears are gone I know that God is with me and I shall not fall If God is for me then who can be against me? I'm a child of God A woman of faith, standing firm on solid ground A woman of faith, a warrior of Christ A woman of faith, standing firm on solid ground A woman of faith, a warrior of Christ, a warrior of Christ Put on the full armor of God Stand firm then with the belt of the truth buckle around your waist With the breastplate of righteousness in place and with your feet fitted With the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace Take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish All the flashing arrows of the evil one Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God I am the daughter of the mighty king who is not moved by the world For my God is with me and goes before me I do not fear because I am his What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stand in faith Turn out who he is with you and he'll make a way Through all the pain and struggles though that God prevails Love, healing, strength and courage and you'll never fail In every situation I kneel and pray and worship you In every situation I lift my eyes to holder you Halleluyah I face my worries and my fears are gone I know that God is with me and I shall not fall If God is for me then who can be against me? I'm a child of God I'm a woman of faith, standing firm on solid ground I'm a woman of faith, a warrior of Christ I'm a woman of faith, standing firm on solid ground I'm a woman of faith, a warrior of Christ I'm a woman of faith, I believe, I believe in God I'm a woman of faith, I believe, I believe in God I'm a woman of faith, a warrior for God I'm a woman of faith