
Eternal Hellbound


I call absence by your name
For I still wait for the dawn
Dawn in your arms
Day-dream in your body

I call horizon by your name
For I still look out for the sun
For bloody light in your hands
A tear still warm in your eye

I run beyond the universe
My whole body is the chase
My steeds gallop touches heaven
With my sword I inflict pain
Angels are bleeding
Their wings burnt with suffering
Rotten with sin

A scars bleeding in my heart
I can't heal my wounds
Whores cries only reach my ear
for heaven is sick
The old god is sick
But his hands do me no harm
I'm beyond his reach

Every night I unleash my beasts
Priests just try to stop their roar
But they're helpless
The power in them is weaker
Than it's in my spells
Every night I let my beasts loose
With just your name in their muzzles

I summon you in the foam of their muzzles
I summon you in the flood of my blood
I summon you in the world possessed
I summon you...
When I take the lead of my phantoms