with a whisper, you can't tell if it's a boy or a girl in the distance, through the trees making sense of the world in a sea of wood and green he or she might have made no direction have we found but to live for the day human nature is to bend physiology's edge we're expanding to forget CARBON SENSE in our heads twenty-four or twenty-five, push the limit again and the cycle we survive in Circadia's chains with a whisper, you can't tell if it's a boy or a girl in the distance, through the trees making sense of the world in a sea of wood and green he or she might have made no direction have we found but to live for the day human nature is to bend physiology's edge we're expanding to forget CARBON SENSE in our heads twenty-four or twenty-five, push the limit again and the cycle we survive in Circadia's chains with a whisper, you can't tell if it's a boy or a girl in the distance, through the trees making sense of the world in a sea of wood and green he or she might have made no direction have we found but to live for the day human nature is to bend physiology's edge we're expanding to forget CARBON SENSE in our heads twenty-four or twenty-five, push the limit again and the cycle we survive in Circadia's chains