I sing praise to thy eternal glory You who was always and always will be I rejoice in thy unending power Redeemer of all, thy name is chaos Rise and engulf us all in disorder Let us rest in your embrace Wreak upon us the powers of thy might Devour our worthless planet I pray for ruin degeneration Put all in perfect disharmony Open the gateway and set it all free My faith is in thee, eternal chaos Rise and engulf us all in disorder Let us rest in your embrace Wreak upon us the powers of thy might Devour our worthless planet Let war grind us into dust And the winds of disease sweep us away To swirl and dance in your hands You our uncreator, majestic chaos I summon to us thy mighty forces To be our saviour in this time of need Break and destroy the ground which we've soiled And wipe us all out forever master Thy name is chaos Thy name is chaos