Machinery, catharsis, technology Rag-tag, transcendent, slapstick Try-hard, high-strung, neurotic Blue cross, golden arches, pearly gates Supermarket, interstate, picket fence Domestic, citizen's arrest, vestibule Two-story, j name, gas station, phantom pain Art therapist, eggshell white, office park Parking garage, mall, retail, micropolitan, turnpike Private property, killing point, agenda Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew Good luck Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew Good luck Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew (Good luck) Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew Good luck Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew Good luck Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew Good luck Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew Good luck Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew Good luck Uh, I've done the questionnaire like 700 times To get the same results as my friend, huh We've been inseparable since 2009 She just doesn't know 'bout it yet (Can you feel it?) Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew Good luck (can you feel your?) Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew Good luck (can you feel your?) Arms, body, legs, flesh (can you feel your?) Skin, bone, sinew, good luck (can you feel your?) Arms, body, legs, flesh (can you feel your?) Skin, bone, sinew, good luck Uh, I've done the questionnaire, like, never in my life But I've got a ten-foot pole, huh And if I could I'd poke her with it right between her eyes May God rest her soul (Can you feel your?) Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew Good luck (can you feel your?) Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew Good luck (can you feel your?) Arms, body, legs, flesh (can you feel your?) Skin, bone, sinew, good luck (can you feel your?) Arms, body, legs, flesh (can you feel your?) (Come on and touch me, oh) Stop me if you've heard this one before Girls like us are rotten to the core (let's go) Stop me if you've heard this one before Girls like us are rotten to the core Stop me if you've heard this one before Girls like us are rotten to the core Stop me if you've heard this one before Girls like us are rotten to the core (can you feel your?) (Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew, good luck) Stop me if you've heard this one before (can you feel your?) (Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew, good luck) Girls like us are rotten to the core (can you feel your?) (Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew, good luck) Stop me if you've heard this one before (can you feel your? Can you feel your?) (Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew, good luck) Someday life will knock us off our horse (can you feel your?) (Arms, body, legs, flesh) (Touch me, oh) Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew, good luck Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew, good luck (And everyone's a critic) Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew, good luck (And everything is business) Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew, good luck Man, he wiggles when he walks And he wanted it to stop because His superficial smile, it got everybody up The band is playing math but the boys are talking science I started laughing at the locals (it'll wrap back around) Yeah (yeah), the horse I like is whack (whack), she can't run very fast (fast) But she's always had my back (yeah, yeah) I bet my bottom dollar And I bet my britches off (what?) can you get me back on track? I started laughing at the locals (Can you feel your?) Stop me if you've heard this one before (can you feel your?) (Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew, good luck) Girls like us are rotten to the core (can you feel your?) (Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew, good luck) Stop me if you've heard this one before (can you feel your? Can you feel your?) (Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew, good luck) Girls like us are rotten (can you feel your? Can you feel your?) (oh) (Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew) Stop me if you've heard this one before (can you feel your?) (Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew, good luck) Girls like us are rotten to the core (can you feel your?) (Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew, good luck) Stop me if you've heard this one before (can you feel your? Can you feel your?) (Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew, good luck) Someday life will knock us off our horse (can you feel your?) (it'll wrap back around) (Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew, good luck) Baby, I'm delusional, impractical is crucial (b—baby, b—baby) Hm, it's the talk of the town, it's the talk of the town Baby, I'm delusional, impractical is crucial (b—baby, b—baby) Hm, it's the talk of the town, it's the talk—talk—talk—talk— Baby, I'm delusional, impractical is crucial (b—baby, b—baby) Hm, it's the talk of the town, it's the talk of the town Baby, I'm delusional, impractical is crucial (b—baby, b—baby) Hm, it's the talk of the town, it's the talk of the town