
New jerusalem


I still remember the words of a prophet 
That he had said a hundred years ago 
About the long waited second coming 
Right after the Third World War. 

A young man will come from the Russian mountains, 
He'll walk the skies and bells will ring. 
Every eye will recognize "The embodiment", 
Nations of the world will follow Him. 


I'm trying to reach you, 
I'm trying to see. 
Something's happening with stars tonight. 
I'm waiting for a New Jerusalem. 

The Earth will become just like paradise, 
Food will appear in rivers, woods and seas, 
Everyone will live in peace and equality. 
Listen His words In Constantinopolis. 

Ages of darkness will turn to past, 
One religion will unite us all, 
One language will be spoken, 
He'll be pleased when He'll go back in Heavens again. 

repeat chorus: