
What Justice Is


This is justice
Blocked by knowledge
This is justice
Lean on our blindness
This is justice
The veil of ignorance
This is justice
Based on our kindness

I am the best off member of society
Living life just as it should be
Wealth, power and prosperity
This means a whole lot to me

Utopia, based on jungle’s laws
Ignore the poor, and the trouble they caused
Every resistance, will be declined
Who falls behind, shall be left behind

Seek for rest in your thoughts

Assume you wouldn’t know your place
Knowledge blocked
Create a veil of ignorance and bliss
Define for yourself what justice is

Define for yourself what
Justice is equality in democracy
I am the worst off member of society
No mouths strapped, a chance to participate
No more tools to suppress and suffocate

All for one, none for all
Dead end, with your back against the wall
Watch your steps, don’t dare to fall
Lay on the ground and start to crawl

This is justice
Blocked by knowledge
Define for yourself what justice is
Seek for rest in your thoughts
Ruling your life, in the depth we dive

Imagine that nothing’s true nor false