


Every day
Every day I'm coming clean
Pulled by the strings of routine

Automatic pilot flies my life
Destination: Always right
Until I met you

What we're able to do
I'll give you back
What they took from you

When I see your face
Guide me through
The world you did create

Do your work
Do your dirty work
Like a man
Molten man of the iceberg

Remote controls your life
No destination you can't find
Until you met me

That nothing's what it seems
That my existence
Is nothing but a dream

I will give you shelter
Thoughts are overwhelming
I am you, you are me
The faceless

No one can replace
Where we lay our heads
Now I realize
You're just a projection

Greed, my friend
Deceit, despair, dead end
You're just a projection

No one can replace
Where we lay our heads
Now I realize
We are both the faceless