Attention fellow citizens in the circle of the stars What has the "border free Europe" brought you so far? I know you are obliged to say "prosperity and peace" But it's just another playground for multinational industries C: This ain't a message of love Where are R.A.F. when you need them? Force fed lies from above In the obsolete country of Sweden The system that we fuckin' loathe hasn't changed a bit They still control our every move the way that they see fit Equality and freedoms just a castle in the air Red tape and secret treaties surrounds the dragon's lair C: This ain't a message of love Where are R.A.F. when you need them? Force fed lies from above In the obsolete country of Sweden The system that we fuckin' loathe hasn't changed a bit They still control our every move the way that they see fit We won't go silently to their ballots mark my fuckin' words We'll smash their fortress from within we're bound to be Uncurbed