Full moon on the rise magick circles drawn chimes of midnight strike candles of babies' fat burn with a fiendish glow Girra-Gibil Lord of the South my victims die in Your flames felina negra to the 4th power impalement through Geburah a blood stained pentagram upon the qlipotic altar Lord of the East Azag-Thoth grant me forbidden knowledge chants from the ancient Book of Black Earth Book of the Worm the Sleeping Lord stirreth Lord of the North Pazuzu together we gain the earth on the entrails of the priest Shub-Niggurath dines Dark Lords of Chaos are called from the Absu now face the vengeance of Nar-Maraktuk Lady of the West Tiamat beautiful Babylonian bliss on broken bones your shredded flesh hangs putrid smell of burning flesh the paradise of pain.. ...beyond your worst infinite nightmare!