
I Was Destroyed


I grew up around people who destroyed me
I practically did not grow up happy
I love the right people
Yes, the right people

The ones I love call me sister
I have this wonderful family
I want bad people away from me

I was destroyed
Forget my existence
I was destroyed

Smile forward
My green eyes do not see your
My nails are broken
More damn

I grew up around people who destroyed me
I practically did not grow up happy
I love the right people
Yes, the right people

The ones I love call me sister
I have this wonderful family
I want bad people away from me

I was destroyed
Forget my existence
I was destroyed

We will see
My music
My steps
My clothes
My rules

The ones I love call me sister
I have this wonderful family
I want bad people away from me

I was destroyed
Forget my existence
I was destroyed