(perfect flies, never dies, perfect is here for us sailing across the sea of drool from the land of bathroom floor) 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 47, 46 45, 44, 43, 42, 41 mouth says: "i have no time and please let me die" eyes say: "don't let me go, feed me with saving hope" when the numbers find the end soul reaches an upper state enjoying the gifts of punishment baby bird in a skeletal cage prayers for just one normal bite, just one voiceless night tied by the tighthtest belts of special perfect doll made own perfect hell mouth says: "i have no time and please let me die" eyes say: "don't let me go, feed me with saving hope" mouth says: "i have no time, leave me here, leave behind" eyes say: "don't let me die, help me to find the joys of life"