stretching out for unknown forbidding all drops to flow didn't dare stay or be, eyes shut: delusion's on screen highlights have dimmed and died for the sake of some stupid pride limbless dancer dancin' slow, in own arms all alone singing: "it wasn't me, it wasn't me, i did not ruin my life those days are just behind, another comes, other goes i can curse, i can make a wish, mess my brain but still i miss those days are just behind, but i did not ruin my life" taste of ginger and cinnamon, celebration and christmas song flipside of insomniac's dream gives a hope pain hasn't been in somewhere out there, as the virgin snow's floating down callin' back from dreamland's ground frosty dawn and all alone "it wasn't me, it wasn't me, i did not ruin my life those days are just behind, another comes, other goes i can curse, i can make a wish, mess my brain but still i miss those days are just behind, but i did not ruin my life" highlights have dimmed and died for the sake of some stupid pride limbless dancer dancin' slow, in own arms all alone ridiculously carryin' on without a thing to carry for learned what have to learn and nothing will ever return "it wasn't me, it wasn't me, i did not ruin my life those days are just behind, another comes, other goes i can curse, i can make a wish, mess my brain but still i miss those days are just behind, but i did not ruin my life i can pray i can make a wish, shoot my brain but still i miss for me it's time to hide, oh my god i ruined my life"