I Got My Swimcap and Comb and My Paperback Book That I'm Almost Through I Got My Lipstick and Mirror and My Suntan Lotion and My Cam'ra Too. I Got My Beach Bag Full of All the Necessary Items For a Day in the Sun And of Course It Wouldn't Be Like Me If I Didn't Bring Along - Some Sunglasses Mmm To Hide Behind. Sunglasses Mmm To Cry Behind. Sunglasses Mmm To Die Behind. Dear While I Lie and Cry and Sigh and Hurt and Watch You While You Flirt With Your Somebody New I'm Makin' Me Blue. I Brought My Towel and Transistor Radio So I Could Tell All the Time 'cause the Top Forty Records and the Weather Sports Will Get You Off of My Mind. I'll Rent An Umbrella From the Lifeguard Fella With the Dreamy Eyes And You Can Bet I Couldn't Forget My Old Stand-bys - My Sunglasses Mmm To Hide Behind. Sunglasses Mmm To Cry Behind . . . Sunglasses Mmm Sunglasses Mmm Sunglasses Mmm Sunglasses Mmm Sunglasses Mmm. Sunglasses Mmm. Sunglasses Mmm. Sunglasses . .