There was turning and yearning transition to crime And slaughter and dancing and cheating in rhyme. In the lanes there were standing A few of the Blessed And the flames in their right hands Shone bright through the mess. And their message was strong As their teaching was love But the mass did them wrong And they mockers the dove. And wisdom was misting in white and soft blue... See burning wheels burning and he'll burn in you, too. And the ages werepassing Then Mars took the rule Pouring gem rains of ruby As a war bait for fools. And gazing in concern At the fight on these planes Other planets came closer to take over the reins. Deluge was their weapon - Skies drowned in the sand - Changing land into water And water to land. And wisdom was smiling in white and soft blue... See fiery wheels turning and He'll burn in you, too. And a crowd of crusaders Outliving the night Stared shocked at the silence Of the white blinding light! And the bloodstained remains Of the great anti-christ Were shattered by archangels - those whom he despised. And dissolved was his spirit Soaked up by the Sun And a new age was dawning Thus all had begun... And wisdom, was smiling eternal soft blue... Sec fiery wheels turning and He'll burn in you, too.