Once somebody told me, I read it in his eyes: "Be careful what you're doing. Don't ever criticise. Forget all your illusions, they're just a mad confusion. Man is a killing beast and there's no paradise'... Chorus: He thought he was a wise man who had fought so many fights. Yet he was just a child then who hadn't yet escaped the night. You're still so many lives away You're still so many lives away You're still so many lives away And you're as blind as only man can be! Yesterday I met him. He hadn't changed his mind. They didn't even let him behold what he did find. He'd lost his cars, he'd lost is wife, he had lost everything and nothing could remind you that once they crowned him King... Repeat chorus He didn't recognise me, I had to realise he was staring like a mad man at me who's just a sad man. He threw a stone and he did moan and finally he hit my bone. He wouldn't listen and he screamed. Shoutin' at the crowds it seemed. And then he grabbed a knife and robbed himself of life. But he could only kill his flesh and now his hatred stays quite fresh. And he doesn't find relief, no, he doesn't find relief. And he doesn't find relief. And he still cannot believe that He's never been a wise man Who hadn't fought any fights And he was just a child then Who hadn't yet escaped the night You're still so many lives away You're still so many lives away You're still so many lives away And you're as blind as only man can be!