
Near God - Closer To Hell


Thou serpent speak nothing but lies, with thy holy infested tongues. But 
thou shall never touch my spirit, thou rapist of misguided souls.

Awakening from the cursed trance. Sinning through free spirited dance. Rebel 
searching for strength inside. Banished thrown out from the light.

Preach not of right and wrong. Lecture not how life unfolds. Speak not of 
peace of mind. There is no truth it's not to be found.

Terror through spiritual persecution. Judging all individual solutions. But 
I fear not your threat of damnation. Instead I gloat of your pity pray for 

Preach not of right and wrong. Lecture not of how life unfolds. Speak not of 
peace of mind. There is no truth it's not to be found.

A prisoner of belief in hot red sand. Trapped in the desert, no sight of 
moist land. Self-contradiction is the water that keeps you alive. But it 
tastes so bitter, the drops that dry out your faith.

The thought of nothingness frights you. A darkness where no one listens to 
your twaddle. A solitude place, that never ends. But you're prepared, cause 
you're already dead.