Chorus: We serve a mighty God, there's nothing He can't solve. He's done so much for me, I cannot tell it all. If you have tried the rest,, come on and try the best; we serve a mighty God, a mighty God. Verse: When I look all around me, confusion is every where, this world is in a terrible state, oh they need a Savior. One day I met a man named Jesus, He calms even the roughest sea, what's He's done for me, I know He'll do for you, 'cause He's a mighty, mighty, awesome God, we serve... Chorus Verse Vamp: We serve a Mighty God. We serve a Mighty God. We serve a Mighty God. What a Mighty God we serve. We serve a Mighty God, a Mighty God (repeat as directed) We serve a Mighty God What a mighty God we serve.