U S A Gospel Choir

Love Paid The Price

U S A Gospel Choir

Chorus 1: 
For God so loved the world,
He gave His only Son,
that whomsoever would believe on Him,
shall have eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Chorus 2:
At Calvary, God's gift to me,
love paid the price.

Only Jesus could forgive our sins,
so many times we failed Him,
but He still wants to live within.
Oh what love and sacrifice 
He made for you and me.

He suffered bled and died,
in agony He cried,
I can't believe He died so I might live right.
Not my will but Thy will be done,
He blotted out my sins,
and now resides within.

Chorus 2

Vamp 1:

Love paid the price,
the perfect sacrifice.

Love paid the price.

Love paid the price.

Vamp 2:
Love paid the price.