Tom: G Loved the sound of the song so why not tab it out? This is what im hearing as the song goes. . . Verse Am Bm Em Turn around at the end of Verse/Chorus Dmaj CMaj Intro/Verse/Chorus Am Bm Em E:---------------------| A:-0------2-------7----| D:---2------4-------9--| G:---2------4-------9--| B:---1------3-------8--| E:---0------2-------7--| Turn around at the end of Intro/Verse/Chorus Dmaj Cmaj E:--------------| A:-5-------3----| D:---7-------5--| G:---7-------5--| B:---7-------5--| E:---5-------3--| As always, listen to the song to get the feel of the moderate tempo of the song. Have fun! I can be reached at C*