Entirely proud yet not so proud A sensing one - the beast of freedom. In separate fists; all together… …Sanity and its diversity - Insanity The true form of a sane one!! Grant me the power of the relentlessly chaotic ravaging devourer Who wrongly fed from this dogmatic barrier Which pathetically embraced the lustful enemy; A breed known as man! When suddenly it is time for the disastrous astonishment Blood paths are opened, blood lines are seen. Unveiled now the secrecy of a non-sense bond; Mind and body, thought and disaster Two enemies of old Together for a one pointless goal! Unleashing anger and hate Leading to torment and death Finally working together properly In this hour of need The mind summons the body The body obeys with a trigger The head splatters, and so the body follows... How beautiful the scene is 17 pieces of dismembered flesh. Brains on the pillow, blood on the walls. Now my final words to you; I hate you!!!