Invincible am I Invisible you are I invite you to death I invoke the god, WARGOD! Fatal fate awaits you in the battle field Faithless faker should be killed! Fun for me is to kill Fight, rite and life's end I give you mercy killing Forbidding force strikes you! Forbidding fruit I ate Foreboding of final war Fight, rite and life's end I give you the last butchery WARGOD! I worship you! WARGOD! I summon you! WARGOD! Meet a violent end! WARGOD! I devote you myself! No peace for me! Hear my word! Hear the god! Invisble attack to me! No rest for me! Feel my fire! Feel me, my lord! Invincible beat to me! I shall arise from the deep maze I shall awake at the black sunset I shall be baptized by the demon I shall succeed to the crown WARGOD! Tell me the wway! I follow you to the end! No grief! No cry! Fools! The dust of my life! You're slaves and wastes. I give… No life! No death! No ends! Warlord! I know you invisible! WARGOD! I know you invincible! WARLORD!