Tom: C Album: Last Time Tabbed by: Paul Anthonie Antoc E-mail: * Address: Mariveles,Bataan,Philippines contact #: 09184423602 Elow po sa mga friends ko sila Calvin,Jon,Otep,Emak,Aerol,Tuts.. at iba pa.. sa mga clasm8s ko sa MNHS(annex) IV-A.. mabuhay kayong lahat.. hehe Binabati ko rin si Maria Lourdes Vejar, HEHE.. wala lang.. HEHEHE!! Gtr. Legends: / - slide x - dead note ~ - let it ring Standard Tuning Verse: C Am F G e|-----------------11111--33333------------| B|---11111--11111--11111--33333------------| G|---00000--22222--22222--44444------------| D|---22222--22222--33333--55555------------| 2x A|---33333--00000--33333--55555------------| E|-----------------11111--33333------------| "The floor is empty Where we used to lie I remember every moments Im with you The season is changing The summer is here I wish to be with you I want you here " Refrain: e|---------------------------1111111-3333333-----| B|---1111111-----------------1111111-3333333-----| G|---2222222-----------------2222222-4444444-----| D|---2222222-333/555/777-555-3333333-5555555-----| A|---0000000-xxx/xxx/xxx-555-3333333-5555555-----| E|-----------111/333/555-333-1111111-3333333-----| "Here i am... Expecting for the best And there you are A hundred miles away" Verse: C Am F G e|-----------------11111--33333------------| B|---11111--11111--11111--33333------------| G|---00000--22222--22222--44444------------| D|---22222--22222--33333--55555------------| 2x A|---33333--00000--33333--55555------------| E|-----------------11111--33333------------| "There's nothing to do Im so in-to you The TV. don't mean anything now You're the one you're every thing i need I miss the cold When can i see you again?" Coda: C C/B Am e|-----------------------------------| B|---11111111-11111111-111333111-----| G|---00000000-00000000-222222222-----| D|---22222222-22222222-222222222-----| 4x A|---33333333-22222222-000000000-----| E|-----------------------------------| I don't want to spend the summer alone... I don't want to spend the summer alone... I don't want to spend the summer alone... I don't want to spend the summer alone... G F e|--3333333--1111111------------| B|--3333333--1111111------------| G|--5555555--2222222------------| D|--5555555--3333333------------| A|--5555555--3333333------------| E|--3333333--1111111------------| Alone.... Alone.... Outro: e|---xxxxxxxx--------| B|---33333333--------| G|---54545454--------| D|---55555555--------| A|---33333333--------| E|-------------------| Last Chords: e|---------| B|---0~----| G|---0~----| D|---2~----| A|---3~----| E|---------| End