Type O Negative

Iydkmigthtky Gimme That

Type O Negative

Tom: A

Album: Life Is Killing Me
Tabbed by D-Rock (*)

h - hammer on 
p - pull off 
b - bend string 
r - release bend
/ - slide up
\ - slide down
~ - vibrato 
x - play 'note' with heavy damping
^ - Artificial Harmonic
()- Fret to Bend To

Type-O tuning from low to high (B,E,A,D,F#,B)

INTRO: Heavy Distortion

  “Two, three, four…"
||-------------------^19~ --------------------------------------------|

||------------------------------------------||   (Repeat)

VERSE: Bass Arranged For Guitar Lighter Distortion 
(Pretty nice bass line by Peter!)

  “It's been doing some thinking…"  (3 times)
||----------------------------------------------||  4X

VERSES 2&3: You can hear in the background Kenny throwing 
in this lick:



CHORUS: back to heavy dist. with a lot of echo/reverb 

  “If you don't kill me…"           
||------------------------------------------------------|| 4X

Josh plays some interesting notes on keyboard which repeats 
during the entire chorus.  It reminds me of an alarm going off.  

||--------------------------------------------------------------|| 4X

SOLO: Keyboard arranged for guitar.  There is excellent note 
selection in this solo which fits perfectly with the song.  
Sounds as if Josh is using a clarinet sound on keyboard.



OUTRO: This is the same riff as the chorus, however, there are 
some chromatic runs as the outro builds.  Starts 4 measures in.

   “If you don't kill me…"    “I'm going to have to kill you!"       
||--------------------------|----------------------------------| 2X

   “You must decide…"
||---------------------------------------|| Repeats to end of song
||----------1-2-3-4-5---2-3-4-5--------- ||

Well that’s the song.  Any questions/comments feel free to email me.

“Around the Pyre, a circle of thirteen
Throughout these woods, ecstatic screams!"