l'm born and bred in pollution's grip First three weeks fed by a CO drip Ain't no breast Passed the test I needed stronger stuff Carbon mon- Oxide on Tap, couldn't get enough My leather lungs never felt no pain I ran around in the acid rain Drank and smoked Never choked I was immune to dirt Whisky, gin Pumped it in I never ever hurt Got a car, got ahead On the road burning lead I'm happy as I am I dig this greenhouse scam All summer on the beach Aerosols in easy reach Needles floating out to sea Sunshine beats down on me No ozone in my way Every day's holiday If I get bored with all my modern toys I got a walkman for my private noise If l'm blue I just do Another ten db Sony was heaven sent l'm in my element Once I get up there on the album charts l'm gonna win myself a billion hearts when they see Little me Saving the world tonight Pious rage On the stage Turn on your brightest light There go a million trees Covers for my Cds I'm a consumer therefore I consume I buy a lot of things so gimme room Being green Ain't my scene I need the parking space Hello crack Hello smack Bye bye the humen race Gimme another shot Gimme the best you got That's my credentials filed Truly pollution's child