I am dream and I am hope, 
I am thrill and twisted, also deeply perverted… 
Then grim and cold, old and taken for granted! 
So far away but always here, 
and what once was will come again! 
I will remain, I will remain… 

I am all that has been, 
and all that will be. 
I am all that you want me to be. 
And I will remain. 
I will sustain as desire and all the deepest wishes. 

I would be glory, triumphant! 
Should be wisdom and honor 
Once hailed, now shrouded, hidden… 
Find me, I am lost 
Adrift in mind 
Boiling beneath 
But succumbing to no one 
In heart and soul of those who wish 
I still breathe 

I rise again as falseness falls 
multitude unleashed and shining 
exaltation from the casual 
Carnal no more, pure spirit 
Acausal and forever to be 
Evolution untamed, ethereal eternal 

Ignorance sustained 
Weakened state embraced 
Once above now below