I have shooting stars coursing through my veins Some days I feel them circulate And this is the best I can do to prove it It's my whole electric life that makes me, when I just want to be Ignited and inspired, in all my blood and electricity Have my circuits caught on fire one more time, just one more time but It's just my heart half full of energy shaking its weary copper wires And I know every one of you feels exactly what I feel, at some time And what I feel, I feel can only been described, so far, in my life: Serving consecutive life sentences in my silver lined insides Here's to hoping we get this done before we die And this is the best I can do to prove it Lets get this damn thing moving I can pound my knuckles in the sand til my blood makes glass, if it helps, I'd set the air on fire and swallow it in gulps so I can't fade away. Flatline my vital signs to keep the weight in all my best lines sincere So I can say fuck you to all my so called friends who bailed on me this past year (and still mean it) And I know every one of you feels exactly what I feel, at some time And what I feel, I feel can only been described, so far, in my life: Serving consecutive life sentences in my silver lined insides Here's to hoping we get this done before we die And this is the best I can do It's us verse these cigarettes Me and the rain collective Working hard to have our say In a way, in some way I need to believe in you just to believe in me No pressure or anything I need to believe in you just to believe in me No pressure. And I know every one of you feels exactly what I feel, at some time And what I feel, I feel can only been described As fierce platinum shooting stars That are coursing through my veins that I just can't contain And when I feel them circulate I can't help but think I'm serving consecutive life sentences in my silver lined insides Here's hoping I get this done before I die Here goes nothing, and here's to hoping that I'm right