Serving the lord when you should be serving me Your body untouched, but an offering of divinity A walking tribute of worship, I await so patiently Harness your love of Christ And bestow on me your sacred virginity You will become a sinner and I want to be your first sin Your beliefs, between you and me Have already taught you to live on your knees You may think me unholy to speak so freely But these are desires I know you share To teach to me your blessed anatomy You will become a sinner and I want to be your first sin Your beliefs, between you and me Have already taught you to live on your knees Now listen, you will be forgiven By my hands You're christened Forgive me Father, but she has now sinned Raised in your name, now in mine she shall now live I'm the fight for her body and mind, you lose, I win Woman of a God so deeply flawed The psalms you speak aren't carnal law To willfully combine your flesh and mine Would quench my insatiable lust for mortality