Dearly departed, little harlot, I bid you farewell Hatred obsessing me, possessing me I no longer dwell A witless life lesson I never could have learned alone Alone is where the heart is, in that I’ve found a home The thought of love lost kept me awake And every other fuck-up I made Said I never wanted to sleep again, and now my eyes adjust Your embrace is a pitiful as the withering of your soul Fiending for acceptance, searching for repentance I know your sins my dear, I know just what you fear A love not eternal but lust so infernal All men are your toys and your presence is poison The thought of love lost kept me awake And every other fuck-up I made Said I never wanted to sleep again, and now my eyes adjust Concubine, you won’t prevail Carnal plague, you have failed From grace I’ve watched you fall The time for therapy in sleep in gone Arm in arm, we met our armageddon Feeding our disease as we come to understand them You were my uprising and my greatest mistake Pockets full of memories I’d like to thank you for Live your life and fulfill your lust I see what I need and now my eyes adjust