Sorely aroused from a nightmarish portent of perishing cruelty I behold the opaque silhouette on periphery of nebulous light Shivers dash throughout the strained spine; kiss of abomination Monstrous phantasmagoria pursues the capricious equanimity by twisted shapes dancing onward on the boundaries of eyes Hatred be that fallacious sight, throw me upon the wings of night Vagrant glance scours for light, hallway corners disguise them tight Lecherous lustre of iridescent fire casts shadows upon the immaculate yet more ominous is the one whose lurking behind the cloak of night Foremost lick from most equivalent value in heaven and hell; reverence Inquiring and proclaiming for the infinite enchantment by the profanation Exhausted by its own filthy crave, but still avidly entreat more and more Shadows entwine ascending moon, united within the flickering flame The source of ravishment - vigour of flesh The primordial require - the sin of death King spiteful fierce me not I brought for thee this fearful moth Hallowed be impurities of thy substance slayer of heretic soul Arrive within the pain and let me stand amidst thy solemn absent 'til dusk vanished our reflection in grandeur of rotten trinity In scenario where vision fails unified with shadows that compound And in limbo of pleasure we lurk in bitter solitude of horrid lunacy