Twelve Tribes


Twelve Tribes

stitch me from the inside out tell me you love me i am what you 
want and i am what you need sew your face onto mine in red split 
tongues let pins seal my lips wheeling in vines stitching over again 
and spools becoming untied winding needles dysphoria sets in drag
knots at the corners of my eyes as i wander into low fields testing 
my wings i am a boy under grey skies and still i pretend but i am 
caught in a closed room with flickering lights and i can't see 
anything i can feel only insects of a gift called grace and venus 
palms release their clinch letting go of foolishness spinning in 
circles staring at the sun laughing and floating and dancing in love 
my arms outstretched catching stars in the day a blue stem with 
green eyes i say hello to her smile painting flowers pink clovers 
and giving water to them the drops burst into fairies caterpillars in 
disguise leaving worms with no passion barely able to fly i lay 
coiled in strings spun into my everything twisting until finally it 
became all that i've ever wanted and she rings a blue bell for the
day from the will o' the wisp i touch her belly to say things will be 
okay baby girl i can fly i can fly i can't remember if i choked i'm 
sure that i have flown better winds i am a man designed to break to
fail yet to impress and venus palms released to their finger blades 
ripping me to fuck frayed ropes bent strings