"Technician we want you to build a component for each of our workers to be with them always at all time watch closely so we can keep track of their actions their interests their morals their time out some musak to maim them some fear to contain them policy will judge them brute forces degrade them practical behaviour the cleanser the saviour a private vocation has no sense of nation the maintenance of power can be so fulfilling just as long as all the slaves are willing so this i s an order we must curb thought disorder with a miniature transmitter we can pavlov the litter and train it to do as we tell it state surgeon the seed plant thought soon get a new slant so tiny a dogma idea turn to quagmire thrum-humming transistor a brain wave insistor closed circuit hypnosis an inbuilt psychosis not one self expression deliberate supression a cycle to squeeze out anyone who we doubt will must be pliable to be reliable" tuned into the media system picture getting hard to see how did you end up as a prisoner when you were supposed to be free? (Oh wouldn't you like to know?) lebensraum for megalomania endless song with one refrain all eyes fixed upon the conductor baton taps inside the brain.....